We are actively recruiting undergraduate researchers to start working in Fall 2023.
We have two positions for undergraduate researchers posted through the Center for Undergraduate Research & Engagement (CURE). Please apply through the CURE website links below.
Undergraduate students interested in working in the lab should plan to commit to at least 3 quarters of part-time research (~10 hours/week) and 1 summer of full-time research (40 hours/week). In addition to applying to the CURE posting above, students can also contact Dr. Hettiaratchi directly with their CV, unofficial transcripts, and research interests. The Knight Campus Undergraduate Scholars Program provides UO students with funding to conduct research for a full year in a Knight Campus-affiliated lab.
Post-doctoral Scholars
Prospective post-doctoral scholars should contact Dr. Hettiaratchi with their CV, research interests, and contact information for three references.